This project was started on June 26, 2018.
As part of its LinguaViva program, UMANI-Associu pè una Fundazione di Corsica, created the “Banca di a LinguaViva” platform.
The main idea is to propose, via this website, both written and spoken versions of texts and contents in Corsican.
Each user of the site, whatever his knowledge of the language, has free access to contents providing him the lively language in its various and most attractive aspects.
The website is feed by Corsican speakers gathered in network will be animated by Umani, guaranteeing the quality of its contents.
The contents (audio, video, texts) are ranged in the following headings :
• Literature
• Children’s Literature
• Tales, poetry, novels
• Conferences, meetings, interviews
• News stories
• Records of the world
The collection of recordings will be done within a network of Corsican speakers which will organize and develop over time.